After a spring that has seem me traveling to and my beau going round the world we met up in New York for a few days.He had been on a photographic trip and one of the focuses was to work on portrait photography.As the photographer’s wife I am the worst subject !
Studio work continues on the road-images over on instagram.Watching my grandson growing has made me focus back on my conservation work as a young adult.Attending the preview of “The Wild” and the current #NoPebble Mine movement lead me to want to return to active docent status.Connecting with the public to share artists work is a privilege and fun. I hope to support my local community in this experience.Carrying out research for new shows every 4 – 6 month’s keeps my brain active, makes memories and connections with fellow docents. Elements are also added to my own visual storytelling.
I have just complete my first online art course with Roxanne Stout Evans hosted by Jeanne Olivier.Along with my studies last summer with Larry Calkin’s I’m enjoying exploring my studio supplies and trying new techniques.My local and international community of artist continues to grow.
For Summer I will be in the PNW and I very much looking forward to a road trip down Highway 101 in September My work may be exhibited here and possibly in Canada waiting to have details confirmed currently.