Category Archives: Journal

Magazine Published

I found a copy this lunch time and there it is my real name under my piece.I remember the struggle to decide which title to use.

Images are soft but such is life never thought they would be this significant.

Published !!!!!

So I just flicked through Cloth,Paper,Scissors and found my piece on the P82 halfway down the Christmas tree (see B&W and all round).Rt hand girl is on the promotion page.

Looking forward to seeing the publication.

Technical challenges

So I’ve joined an online group working though a book called Surface Treatment workshop by McElroy and Wilson.Going back to the basics of stamping and stenciling seemed to be very low key but I had the best fun yesterday exploring surfaces and creating ATC’s.I’ve never made single ATC’s before and it was great fun to create 18 unique but themed artist trading cards to go.

Seriously a whole month !

Oh my it’s been a month since my last post -must have been busy !
Fall has arrived with really high winds,big rain showers and I have enjoyed the last days of summer buzzing around with my old student and now friend Sponge.

Speedo car wash is over-had to do stand in photography for that one ! The salmon are back I have my watching spot, hoping the rain brings them in.Did see some at Issaquah on Thursday we have 5 species locally and the ones that may use the stream I watch arrive a little later in the season.

I’m planning a spring show and applying for inclusion in a show next fall. Things in Issaquah are going to be bubbling in 2012 and I’m considering whether to get involved.Uni starts next week.Hubby has just plugged in Nivara’s Smells like Teen Spirit-kinda sums up the day !


We have a crafty family but all explore very different media.

I have “stuff”,hubby has photography, and the teen paints and builds models in the basement.

Not sure the teen fully understood the fact that we pieced his first crazy quilt.We then took it to the tactile workshop and cut up to make fabric books and business card folios.It was a small class so I still have plenty to play with.

Good Advise

when the storms of life come… adjust your sails.

These were words sent in a surprise crafty package earlier this summer.I’ve sat down a number of times to try and formulate a reply in words and failed totally.
Instead I’ve sailed out the other side and created “Sherbet”

She’ll be heading to join her Sister in Norway any day soon-minus the needle.

PS if hubby really does read this thread “Stuffed” subscription would be perfect 😉

Altered Journal

Time to share.Lo’s brief was to create a journal where she  create and explore her own  poetry.This was a fun project and something that I had done previously.I’m glad to report that this swap has safely arrived in Canada into safe and welcoming hands.

Pile of Paper or memories ?

So I’ve just been leafing though the papers and ephemera (stuff) from the DC trip and trying to find a way to make it into a usable form for the teens studies next year and my personal reflection.

I treated myself to a copy of Rebound by Jeannine Stein while at the Renwick Gallery and am looking forward to creating an travel journal loosely based around her Game-board travel journal.More pics to come. Time to play.

End of an Era

Time to share that idle play.
On our trip two major things happened.I received the news of my place on the u course and the last shuttle flight occurred.We visited the National Museum of Air and Space a number of times.
Somehow when we came back this two ideas merged to form the creation of a new altered book.
“Fly me to the moon” “let me play among the stars” just seemed appropriate text for this blue-theme star inspired tactile book.

The cover has watercolor, metallic crayon ,acrylic paint, silver pigment stamping and of course the heat gun applied- I still have lots of learn about surface work !

This book now lives in AL with a very crafty lady who does amazing things with bottle caps.