Author Archives: debbie

About debbie

Fiber Artist post arrival in the Pacific North West.Born in the East end of London now living on the Eastside of Lake Washington. Studied Fiber Arts at the University of Washington.Docent at Bellevue Arts Museum. I like to explore,create and enjoy within a mixed media universe.

A place to play

So I’m lucky enough to have a growing collection of arty and mixed media books.I’m also really untidy so wanted to develop a place to play in the next few months.
This is my desk try out area for 2012-the first deadly sin.Altering books is still regarded as this in my house by some..It’s not designed to go anywhere just a place to try techniques, ideas and share as the whim takes me.

I also added to my collection of books over the holidays.I finally have my own copy of Collaborative Art Journals by LL Ludwig and yesterday discovered Personal Geographies by Jill Berry.Got to doing that hand thing again !

It’s been a painful few months but I’m hoping things will continue to move on and improve.As Yaz says the only way up !

I also need to get on with exploring Surface Treatments Workshop so I’m off to play with that as well.

Tidy Space

Not quite sure how but I spent Boxing Day afternoon tidying my space and now have it fit for a New Year.
There are a couple of pieces missing from last year including my first self portrait

Part 2

More disc’s prepared for my final.
Way back it was suggested I make slinky books in necklace form.

The plan is to make two that nestle in the road to wealth and visually explore the concept of wealth.The artist statement will need to be much longer.


So things change-life’s balance alters with the seasons.Fall to winter is always a time of reflection.
Currently I’m focusing on altering a copy of “The Road to Wealth” for my final.There is something quite therapeutic about craving a deep enclose and peeling out advise on managing material wealth.

That creative curve again

So how did I suddenly decided to embark on the “Betty does NC” project well it just modular really.

That two simple sets of inchies and try to communicate meaning.

That need to collaborate and create a fun project around the most challenging time of the year for someone who lives many miles from their family.

The desire to produce “material evidence” of family connections.

Breaking the mold

So I think for the first time ever this week Iwas told to take my homework and  do it over again. As ever this raised my emotion and my sketchbook now contains a new project in response.

Today to complete my homework brief for this week I took the whole family plus my parents to the Nordic Heritage museum in Ballard.It was the last day of the the 2011 Nordic Fashion Biennale.

Aftur piece just took my imagination to a place were I am going to complete that long dreamed Nick Cave/Aftur piece.

Finding old creations

I can’t believe that it is two years since I created a series of three dimensional teaching puppets for the Environmental Science Centre at Burien.Last Sunday saw the grand opening of their facility at Seahurst Park.
I had hoped that my puppets were still in use and was pleased to find my gently used chiton (sea woodlouse),mussel and clam on display to be handled and enjoyed.

Magazine Published

I found a copy this lunch time and there it is my real name under my piece.I remember the struggle to decide which title to use.

Images are soft but such is life never thought they would be this significant.